Stocking Suffer Sale is now on!

How to Make a Return

We're sorry Inflate-R didn't work out for you.

Rest assured, our team will do everything possible to ensure we make it right.

Customer Support

Email and we will get back to you as soon as possible (within 24 hours at latest)!


We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on every Inflate-R! If you're not satisfied within 30 days, please contact us and we will begin your return process.

Learn more about our warranty

Step 1

Contact customer support

Step 2

A customer representative will contact you

Step 3

Mail Inflate-R back to us

Step 4

Within 5 days of receiving your package, we will process your return


  • Returns must be made within 30 days from the delivery date
  • All merchandise must be in the original packaging
  • Proof of payment must be returned with the product
  • All returns are subject to inspection
  • You are responsible for the expense of a return


We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on every Inflate-R! Send us an email or call our support team for a hassle-free return experience.

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