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We're the Inflate-R Team!

Who are we?

In 2018 we set out to create a device that would help people.

We knew what we wanted; to keep people safe while driving. But it couldn't end there. We wanted to make a multi-functional device. A device you could use on just about anything. And that's how Inflate-R was born.

We are a company founded on integrity, honesty and innovation. We strive to create functional devices that organically fit into your lifestyle. We are a company that puts people first.

What do we stand for?

We stand for integrity, honesty and innovation. But what does that mean?

Integrity: We have strong morals. We believe in functional and practical products that we rigorously test before they get into your hands. Our expertise doesn't hurt either!

Honesty: Our company prides itself on transparency. All communications are entirely authentic. We give you the information so you can make an informed decision.

Innovation: We don't just create products, we create products that work. We stand by their performance and you will too, once you try them out!

Putting people first

We put people first in three ways:

1 - We put our customers first. Our accommodating customer service and satisfaction guarantee emphasize our people-first mindset.

2 - We put our employees first. Our team is the spirit of our brand and as such, we cultivate a flexible and creative work environment. We know people work best when they're happy!

3 - Our products put people first. Inflate-R isn't just a neat device. It's about making people feel safe and secure in emergencies. It's about putting convenience first to make our customers' lives easier.

Get Your Inflate-R Now

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Thinking of getting your hands on this innovative and multi-functional air pump? We've got you covered. Click the button below to view our products!


Looking to sell InflateR from your own store or warehouse? Click the button below to contact us! We look forward to cultivating this relationship.


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